Have you ever wondered why hardships lead to breakthroughs for many artists?Let me explain how this happened to me.
This month has been a challenging one and it feels like imposter syndrome got the best of me. What is imposters syndrome you might ask? As some of you know it is a behavioral health phenomenon that causes people to feel like they are not deserving of their success, or that their achievements are due to luck or coincidence.
I’m always looking for new ways to improve my art as well as grow my business and most of that success has to do with my content being seen. Social media lately has been a hit or miss. It feels as though I’m constantly improving my content and making sure I engage with people. My quality has improved quite a bit but I am seeing less and less traction. I keep telling myself that sometimes this happens and I will start to see better results if I just keep pushing myself. Have I pushed myself too much? It seems like when I take a break from it all and really reflect, I start having breakthroughs.
A good balance of work and play is absolutely necessary for a creative person.
I think the hardest thing for me right now is that I have an idea in my head of where I want to be with my art and this month I felt I was very far away from that goal but that doesn’t mean it won’t eventually happen. We can be so hard on ourselves sometimes. The best thing to do is just to enjoy the process of getting there. It’s not a sprint it’s a marathon.
I recently read a quote that helped me through what I have been struggling with and its from Ira Glass, he says,
“Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me.
All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste.
But there is this gap.
For the first couple years you make stuff,
it’s just not that good.
It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not.
But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is a still killer.
And your taste is why your work disappoints you.
A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit.
Most people I know who do interesting creative work, went through years of this.
We know our work doesn’t have this special thing that we want it to have. We all go through this, and if you are just starting out or you are still in this phase,
you gotta know its normal and the most important thing you can do is do a lot of work.
Put yourself on a deadline so that every week you will finish one thing,
It is only by going through a volume of work that you will close that gap,
and your work will be as good as your ambitions.
And I took longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I’ve ever met.
It’s gonna take awhile. It’s normal to take awhile. You’ve just gotta fight your way through.”
The thing is even though we have goals and deadlines, it’s equally as important to make time for rest and remember to play. Curiosity and play are so important. They teach you to loosen up and discover new things and most importantly be excited about it in the process. The process is where the real magic and breakthroughs happen, they can also happen if you push past your boundaries. Challenge yourself, reflect, experiment, and remember why you are doing this in the first place. Your “Why” will always steer you in the right direction.
I feel like starting my own business and working day after day on my art has really helped me find out who I am to the core without all the societal pressures. Moments of frustration, joy, sadness, and hope has opened my eyes to what life is all about. I’m able to breathe deep again.
Isn’t it funny how infinitely complex and interesting the world around us is and how most of it goes unnoticed. It’s only when we slow down and pay attention that we can truly see it. And once we see it, everything becomes more colorful and interesting and you’ll never be short on inspiration for a creative project.
Hardships lead to breakthroughs and they often occur at the intersection of persistence, curiosity, and creativity. Here's how they typically unfold:
Accumulation of Knowledge:
Learning and Exploration: Breakthroughs usually build on a foundation of extensive knowledge and experience. Continuous learning and exploring new ideas can set the stage for something new.
Pattern Recognition: As knowledge accumulates, the ability to recognize patterns and connections that others might miss becomes more refined. This often leads to the "aha" moment.
Problem-Solving Mindset:
Facing Challenges: Breakthroughs often arise when trying to solve a particularly challenging problem. The need to overcome obstacles can push individuals or teams to think in new and innovative ways.
Experimentation: Often, breakthroughs result from trying out different approaches, even those that might seem unconventional or unlikely to succeed.
Curiosity and Open-Mindedness:
Asking Questions: A curious mind questions the status quo and seeks to understand the "why" behind things. This curiosity can lead to discovering new paths or perspectives.
Embracing the Unexpected: Being open to unexpected results or ideas that don't fit into the current understanding can lead to breakthroughs. Sometimes, mistakes or accidents can open the door to new discoveries.
Collaboration and Cross-Pollination:
Diverse Perspectives: Bringing together people with different backgrounds, skills, and perspectives can lead to innovative solutions that wouldn't have been possible individually.
Interdisciplinary Work: Breakthroughs often happen when ideas from one field are applied to another in unexpected ways.
Persistence and Resilience:
Overcoming Failures: Breakthroughs are rarely immediate. They often come after a series of failures or setbacks. The key is to keep pushing forward, learning from each failure.
Continuous Effort: Staying committed to a problem or goal, even when progress seems slow, can eventually lead to a breakthrough.
Inspiration and Intuition:
Moments of Insight: Sometimes, breakthroughs occur in a flash of inspiration, often when the mind is relaxed or distracted. This can be the result of subconscious processing of information.
Trusting Instincts: Intuition, built on deep knowledge and experience, can guide you toward breakthroughs even when the path isn't clear.
Environmental and Cultural Factors:
Supportive Environment: An environment that encourages risk-taking, creativity, and collaboration can be fertile ground for breakthroughs.
Cultural Shifts: Sometimes, breakthroughs are driven by larger cultural or societal changes that create new needs or opportunities.
Breakthroughs often come when the right conditions are met—where preparation, opportunity, and the right mindset converge.